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Mongolia steppe and desert

The trip to Mongolia started in Beijing on K23 train. The original plan was to ride Beijing – Moscow train, however, the tickets were sold out and a travel agent suggested taking Beijing – UlaanBataar train.

Day 1

When I was reading reviews about the ride, they all sounded very positive. Our riding experience is just not as positive. Our carriage was very dirty. Provided sheets had stains and didn’t include a hand towel. Blankets were full of different people hair: white and black, long and short. Toilets didn’t work, so we had to walk to other carriage toilets, which didn’t have toilet paper and were very dirty and very smelly. We didn’t go to a restaurant at dinner (even though it was a plan), so I cannot comment on the dinner food quality. Plus it was a Chinese restaurant. In Erlin, the Chinese restaurant carriage was separated from the train and Mongolian restaurant wagon got attached.  The breakfast was 100 RMB per person and included a pile of white bread with a bit of strawberry jam along with margarine spread. Then we got a very thin sheet of fried eggs (I believe 2 eggs if not 1 mixed with water) with a thin slice of a cucumber and half a cherry tomato. Underneath the egg sheet was another piece of white bread. The food came with green tea. We felt we were cheated on price. I just can’t wrap my mind around the price-food combo. A couple behind us was mentioning 45 RMB, however, we didn’t understand were they referring to their breakfast price or something else.  Also, the train didn’t have food carts. No one walked around selling anything. So far introduction to Mongolia is not positive.